Drug and Alcohol Training Provider: 6 Steps to Find the Perfect Match

The key to finding the perfect drug and alcohol training provider for your supervisors or your employees and workers is very simple. You need to ascertain the features/characteristics of a training course that will prove to be the most relevant for your employees. Go through the offerings by several training providers in the market to draw a comparison. You must look for a course that is frequently updated, uses more advanced training technology than others, and is also as per the guidelines of the federal bodies.

Remember, drug and alcohol use is always going to be a big problem in your workplace if you do not have the right resources to educate and train your employees. According to independent studies, more than 10% of the entire workforce in the US has some sort of dependency problem that is directly related to a particular drug, alcohol, or controlled substance. This figure is on the rise as we speak. Before we dig into a few tips to find the right drug and alcohol training provider, let’s have a look at a few similar statistics.

  • Out of all the people who have some kind of alcohol or drug-related problem, between 60% and 70% are employed full-time
  • Nearly 20% to 30% of workplace fatalities are related to some kind of drug or alcohol abuse
  • Close to 30% of workplace accidents happen due to an intoxicated individual being in the equation
  • People who have some kind of drug or alcohol problem, report nearly 200% to 300% more absenteeism as compared to other employees

Key Factors to Consider in a Drug And Alcohol Training Provider’s Curriculum

Early Intervention

The curriculum should always talk about the many ways to carry out early intention. The course should incorporate specific methodologies and policies for identifying potential drug and alcohol users in the workplace. Prioritize teaching early intervention to all your employees as a key focus. These proactive measures can be implemented before any individual exhibits clear signs or symptoms of drug or alcohol use, thereby ensuring the safety of their coworkers.

Behavioral Impact

It is important that the course talks about the various impacts that drug and alcohol use and abuse have on the behavior of the employee. Carelessness, declining performance, and failure to follow the general rules of the company are a few symptoms that this course must talk about in detail. Also, it is better to have a complete section devoted to these behavioral aspects so that the training becomes more comprehensive.

Physical Changes In Employees

Always use a drug and alcohol training program that talks in length about the physical changes that an employee under the influence of drugs and alcohol goes through. This helps all the trainees identify the physical attributes of somebody who has been constantly using a controlled substance in the workplace. These may include:

  • Discoloration of the skin
  • Sunken eyes
  • Distinctive odor
  • Changes in their gait
  • Motor skills compromised
  • Weight loss
  • Unkempt look
  • Disheveled appearance
  • Rotting teeth
  • Erratic conduct
  • Mood swings
  • Signs of depression
  • Sores on the face

Substance Abuse Policy

Remember to always choose a drug and alcohol training provider that teaches your employees, supervisors, managers, and workers about the importance of a substance abuse policy. This should be a part of the curriculum because it helps companies maintain drug-free workplaces. In some cases, enterprises are required to maintain drug-free workplaces as a precondition if they want to receive any contracts or grants from Federal agencies. Therefore, having a substance abuse policy and educating your employees about the same is a critical feature you should look out for when choosing a drug and alcohol training provider.

Documentation Problems

Training with regard to documentation and problems with the same should also be provided to all your supervisors and employees. Training should cover how to respond when a substance abuse incident occurs on company property, resulting in injury or harm to someone. It’s essential to address both statutory and civil liabilities, ensuring that your employees and supervisors are educated and trained to maintain a drug-free workplace and uphold your company’s reputation.

Preventive Measures To Take

Always select a drug and alcohol training provider offering a course that encompasses chapters covering alcohol tests, drug and alcohol awareness, substance abuse policy, sample alcohol/drug programs for your company’s implementation, the significance of a drug-free workplace, and the Department of Transportation’s defined rules. These will help you educate your employees and safety-sensitive position holders better. It is a way of implementing preventive measures so that incidents of drug and alcohol use and abuse can be prevented.

After this discussion, it must have become very clear as to what you should look for in a particular drug and alcohol training course to find the most suitable provider for your company. Selecting the perfect drug and alcohol training provider depends on the quality of the course, curriculum, and module content.

  • Regularly update it to incorporate any new government rules or regulations.
  • Must be as per the guidelines of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
  • Must take into account every safety-sensitive position holder
  • Should be highly customizable as per your needs
  • The language used must be easily understandable by everyone
  • The choice of LMS should be user-friendly

In conclusion, your company must readily implement the substance abuse policy advocated by the training, and the entire course should receive approval from both the DOT and FMCSA.

Sarah Mitchell is a passionate advocate for all things logistics. With a master's degree in Education Management and over two decades of experience, she's the Director at International Certifications Council LLC (ICC). Sarah ensures ICC's blog content aligns seamlessly with the logistics industry's trends and demands.

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